Social Networking Sites

Besides Facebook and Twitter, the other 2 social networking sites I chose to discuss are YouTube and Instagram. From all 4 of these the one I am least familiar with is Twitter because I'm not an avid user; for some reason it's just not appealing to me. I find it a little bit annoying that there is a maximum character limit for tweets, so if you want to share more information , you would have to create a thread. I can understand the reason behind it since Twitter was meant for quick news or updates. Also, most people don't really want to read too many words so it makes sense. I like that you're able to search twitter for whatever topic you're interested and that it allows for some fun interactions between people. Personally for me, it's still a little bit confusing and messy; it can be a little bit difficult to follow a conversation or discussion through replies and retweets since they can be all over the place.

On the other hand with Facebook, each post has a place for comments underneath the posts and so it's a lot more easier to see what people are saying and about what. I also prefer the Facebook layout compared to Twitter's. I feel like everything is a lot more organized and it's a lot easier on the eyes. Facebook also feels a bit more personal to me and I think it might be because that's where I mainly connect with family and friends; the main annoying thing about Facebook, however, is that you don't always get to see your friends' posts since Facebook chooses what you can and cannot see. That can be a little frustrating if you realize you missed out on an important update from a friend. Facebook can also be a little much since there is a lot that goes on on the website; you have posts that you see, there are advertisements, there are groups, there's even a marketplace, etc. So it's more than just a social networking site in my opinion.

Moving on to YouTube, I fee like it's one of the sites where you can easily connect with people you don't know. Although it's possible on all the other sites too, I feel like on Facebook and Twitter, it's mostly people that you already know. On YouTube, you can be watching videos and see people's comments/reactions underneath and connect with people who are looking for the same content as you and you can find people with similar interests. I think YouTube is unique in the sense that it's a video sharing platform that turned into a social networking platform because of the number of people watching videos and commenting/liking/sharing.

Lastly Instagram is probably my favorite out of these 4 sites. I really like the simple layout of having a picture/video and then a caption. Again their layout is easy to follow and understand, they have comments underneath posts like Facebook and it's not difficult to follow conversations. Also like Facebook, sometimes you might not be able to see posts of everyone you follow, but it does make sense especially if you're following hundreds and thousands of people, it would be impossible to track all those posts. Overall I think most networking sites have similarities, but Twitter definitely stands out the most to me as the most unique.


  1. I also use the same social networking sites as you! Instagram is of course one of my favorites. I agree that it is easy to follow and has a similar comment layout as Facebook. It makes connecting slightly easier. YouTube is also one of my favorite social networking sites. It definitely allows you to interact with people all around the world. It connects people through their interests, depending on who/what they enjoy to watch. It seems like connecting with strangers is the norm of YouTube, but it's always very interesting who/what you find.


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