Blog About Twitter

Compared to a Blackboard discussion, I feel like a Twitter discussion is more direct and to the point. Since Twitter does have a character limit it would be more like a back and forth conversation since you can't type long sentences. In Blackboard discussions, you can write as much as you want to get your point across. I also think on Twitter discussions can move faster since there is not as much writing and if all the people are online at the same time, it can be faster since you get updates in real time, compared to Blackboard where you would have to log on and look for replies yourself; Twitter gives you notifications every time someone interacts with your tweet. I think if it's the case that everyone is online at once, a Twitter discussion can very much be like an in-class discussion. It can get a little messy and confusing compared to an in-class discussion, however, if many people are posting at once; it may be difficult to keep up with every response. If you're in a class, it's usually one person speaking at a time and everyone can hear what they have to say.


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