Blog v Wiki

Blogs and wikis have many differences, but share some similarities as well. For instance, they both allow users to post information/news to share with others. They both also allow for collaboration between people, even though they do that in different ways. When it comes to blogs, the main thing that sets them apart from wikis is that blogs are usually run by an individual and only that individual has access to post content to their blog. On the other hand, with wikis, multiple users can have access to it and each of them can contribute or edit content. While this seems like a positive feature, it can also have a negative effect; since anyone can access it and make changes to the content, there's less credibility because anyone can write anything. Blogs can also be used for collaboration between people; even though blogs don't allow everyone access to change the content, they do allow others to comment on posts and that lets them communicate with the creator of the blog. For example, in the article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid", someone created a post mentioning suspicious activity happening in a house and then others replied with more information which led to police raiding the place in question.

It's really important to have tools to facilitate convergence today because it's the digital age. More and more businesses require tools such as wikis. According to the article "More on How to Build Your Own Wikipedia", wikis can help improve business processes and help projects get done faster; they are also used a lot for employee communication. Especially in businesses with lots of employees, it can be difficult to communicate information to everyone, but wikis make this much easier. It also allows for employees to share information with each other in a very easy way. Wikis don't have to be used for business purposes only, people can use them to plan big events such as birthday parties or even for weddings. If there are already a lot people involved, it would be more convenient to do things like that through a wiki.


Locher, Margaret. “More on How to Build Your Own Wikipedia.” CIO, CIO, 17 Apr. 2008,

Wilson, Michael. “Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 June 2008,


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